• 05:22
  • Thursday ,23 January 2014

Muslim Brotherhood skips security screening at JFK

Naim Youssef

Top Stories


Thursday ,23 January 2014

Muslim Brotherhood skips security screening at JFK

Internal government documents revealed that Egyptian members of the Muslim Brotherhood dodged extra security screening at JFK Airport under VIP treatment provided by the State Department.Internal government documents revealed that Egyptian members of the Muslim Brotherhood dodged extra security screening at JFK Airport under VIP treatment provided by the State Department.

They showed that such treatment was received by the Muslim Brotherhood and members of Freedom and Justice Party even before the Muslim Brotherhood's candidate was elected Egypt's president. This special treatment is still received until recently with no explanation by the American government.
New York Post newspaper revealed that ‪the expedited entry, which is known as a “port courtesy”, was reserved for ‬Abdul Mawgoud Dardiry, prominent leader of the Muslim Brotherhood.