• 13:40
  • Thursday ,02 January 2014

PLF: Hamas’s cooperation with MB problematic


Copts and Poliltical Islam


Thursday ,02 January 2014

PLF: Hamas’s cooperation with MB problematic

CAIRO: Secretary General of Palestine Liberation Front (PLF) Wasel Abu Youssef stated Monday that the Hamas leaders’ insistence on supporting “the terrorist Muslim Brotherhood” has created problems for the Palestinian people, and is considered to be direct interference in Egypt’s sovereignty.CAIRO: Secretary General of Palestine Liberation Front (PLF) Wasel Abu Youssef stated Monday that the Hamas leaders’ insistence on supporting “the terrorist Muslim Brotherhood” has created problems for the Palestinian people, and is considered to be direct interference in Egypt’s sovereignty.

He said in an interview to Mawtini (My Homeland) radio on Monday that the Hamas spokespersons’ reactions are not rational, adding that Hamas should avoid its associations to the Brotherhood, which has been named a terrorist group, for the sake of the Palestinian people, especially those in the Gaza Strip.
He added that the PLF asked Hamas to distance itself from the Muslim Brotherhood in order to avoid interference in Egypt’s internal affairs, and to be committed to the political program of the PLF, as it is considered the only and legitimate representative for a Palestine and national decision.