• 00:53
  • Wednesday ,01 January 2014

MB leaders flee after declared “terrorists”


Copts and Poliltical Islam


Wednesday ,01 January 2014

MB leaders flee after declared “terrorists”

CAIRO: Mystery continues to surround the fate of Muslim Brotherhood (MB) leaders

and their allies after the organization was formally classified as a “terrorist group;” some have fled the country and others are laying low, avoiding security forces.
Mohamed Abou Samra, secretary general of the Islamic Party and political ally to the Brotherhood, confirmed to Youm7 that a number of leaders at the alliance left the country after the Cabinet declared the Brotherhood a “terrorist organization.” He added that Brotherhood leaders were not the only ones who fled the country, but leaders at Gamaa Islamiya and a number of alliance parties also left.
Chairman of Salafi-oriented Asala Party  Ehab Shiha said, “Everybody knows they are not safe, and they are well aware that they have a date set for their arrest.” Shiha said the Cabinet’s decree was “irresponsible” since it tipped off Brotherhood leaders, allowing them time to flee the country.
Shiha said Brotherhod leaders abroad would not be extradited to Egyptian authorities, because host countries would “consider it a matter of internal affairs.”
Shiha added that Mohamed Ali Bishr is still the official representative of the alliance and has not left Egypt.
The Ministry of Foreign Affairs notified Gulf countries earlier this week that Brotherhood affiliates were wanted in Egypt according to the Cabinet’s decree. But official sources at the Brotherhood supporting alliance said that these sates, particularly Qatar, are unlikely to hand anyone over.
Salafi Front coordinator Khaled Saeed has no confirmed information about Brotherhood members fleeing the country. “Some who are accused of leaving the country by the media are outside the country. Others might still be inside the country. It’s not confirmed,” said Khaled.
Former official spokesperson of Presidency, Dr. Yasser Ali, left the country earlier this month.  But Hesham Qandil’s attempt to flee the country, on the other hand, failed when he was arrested.
Also the controversial Salafi preacher Mohamed Abdel Maqsoud, whose speeches’ at Rabaa caused a lot of controversy is in a “safe place” inside the country, sources told Youm7.