• 09:27
  • Tuesday ,17 December 2013

Taxi driver killed by lynch mob after running over pro-Morsi protester


Copts and Poliltical Islam


Tuesday ,17 December 2013

Taxi driver killed by lynch mob after running over pro-Morsi protester

Supporters of the Muslim Brotherhood killed a taxi driver by slitting his throat after he ran over a female protester on Monday in Egypt's Nile Delta governorate of Daqahliya. 

According to a preliminary medical report, 24-year-old Mohamed Othman died from a deep cut in his neck, Al-Ahram Arabic news website reported.
Eyewitness told Al-Ahram Arabic news website that the taxi driver ran over the protester after he demanded a crowd let him pass and they refused. Members of the crowd killed him and torched his car.
The female protester was transferred to a nearby hospital where she remains in critical condition, according to a pro-Brotherhood Facebook page named "Al-Azhar University in Mansoura."
Public executions have occurred sporadically in Egypt in the past three years. Citizens appear to have become bolder in taking matters into their own hands because of a security vacuum following the ouster of president Hosni Mubarak 2011.
Since the ouster of Mohamed Morsi in July, the Muslim Brotherhood and its supporters have been staging regular demonstrations against what they say call a military coup, demanding Morsi's reinstatement.
The Brotherhood has been active recently on university campuses, staging daily "anti-coup" student protests, some escalating into violent clashes.
Pro-Morsi protests, however, have become increasingly smaller amid a crackdown on Islamists.