• 20:31
  • Tuesday ,17 December 2013

Pro-MB alliance to announce official boycott of referendum


Copts and Poliltical Islam


Tuesday ,17 December 2013

Pro-MB alliance to announce official boycott of referendum
CAIRO: The pro-MB National Alliance to Support Legitimacy will announce on Monday evening their official stance on boycotting the constitutional referendum, scheduled on Jan. 14 and 15
Official sources in the alliance revealed that they held a series of meetings during the last period to agree on the procedures associated with the announcement of the boycott
The Youth against the Coup movement will also announce its boycott of the referendum in a press conference on Monday
Parties of the alliance such as Gamaa Islamiyya, the Salafi Front, Watan Party and Independence Party announced that they will boycott the referendum independently
Gamaa Islamiyya’s media director Mohamed Hammad said in statements to Youm7 that his party decided to boycott the referendum, adding it will declare its position formally in conjunction with the announcement of the alliance’s position
Meanwhile, the alliance called for protests on Tuesday in a Monday press conference