• 16:42
  • Thursday ,07 November 2013

MB supporters continue protests at universities in Cairo


Copts and Poliltical Islam


Thursday ,07 November 2013

MB supporters continue protests at universities in Cairo

CAIRO: Students who support the Muslim Brotherhood (MB) organized protests at Cairo, Al-Azhar and Ain Shams universities Wednesday, chanting against the police, the army and university officials.

 At Cairo University, students protesting a decision to dismiss four Brotherhood students chanted inside the Faculty of Dar El-Uloom. The dismissed students are accused of attacking officials at the faculty.
 Brotherhood supporters also marched to the male campus of Al-Azhar University, the site of recent clashes in Cairo’s Darrasa district, but were met by security forces and closed university gates. Students at the university’s female campus, in Nasr City, also demonstrated Wednesday.
 At Ain Shams University, Brotherhood students continued their ongoing protests in front of the Faculty of Commerce to demand the vice dean release detained students.