• 04:31
  • Monday ,04 November 2013

Investigations with Erian on MB headquarters and Manial cases begin


Copts and Poliltical Islam


Monday ,04 November 2013

Investigations with Erian on MB headquarters and Manial cases begin

CAIRO: Ismail Hafiz, attorney from the South Cairo Prosecution, headed by Sherif Moataz, began questioning Muslim Brotherhood leader Essam el-Erian on inciting to kill demonstrators near the MB headquarters in Moqattam and killing residents in Manial.

 The South Cairo Prosecution had referred Essam el-Erian, Mohamed Badie, Khairat el-Shater, Mohamed el-Beltagy and other MB leaders to the criminal court in the MB headquarters case.
 The Attorney will move there to continue investigations with Erian, and to give him notice of the decision to refer him to criminal courts
 The Cairo criminal court, headed by Judges Mohamed Amin al-Qarmouti, Omar Ibrahim, Omar Abdel Fatah, and with the presence of Attorney Ismail Hafiz, decided to step down from the trial of former MB Supreme Guide Mohamed Badie and his deputees Khairat al-Shater and Mohamed Rashad Baiumi, along with 33 other suspects, due to “embarrassment” for the continued imprisonment of the suspects.
 They were accused of inciting violence and attempted murder near the MB headquarters in Cairo, resulting in the killing of nine protestors and injuring 91, and terrorizing residents who live near the MB headquarters.