• 20:39
  • Thursday ,04 July 2013

Morsy and his lost legitimacy

Aaron N. Faltas

Article Of The Day


Thursday ,04 July 2013

Morsy and his lost legitimacy

In his last speech, the rejected president, Mohamed Morsy, has tried to take refuge in his lost legitimacy to avoid stepping down according to the demands of his people. He threatened by the expected violence and chaos. However, I have some notes…

First: What legitimacy is he talking about? Does he mean the rigged election results, political thuggery and lies of the Muslim Brotherhood for months? If Morsy had come through fair elections in which many people voted for him, much more people have already voted of no confidence in Morsy and his government. There are more than 15 million Egyptians in the streets and all over the world shouting against him. However we cannot deny there are many supporters as well, the majority are against him, which means he has already lost his legitimacy.
Second, "legitimacy" doesn't exist anymore in the Presidential Palace, but rather in all Egyptian Squares with millions of Egyptians that nobody can rig or fake. In fact, those Squares are full of honorable and free people that the regime claim they are the corrupted remnants of the former regime. 
Mr. President, does your legitimacy mean the division among the Egyptian people? Does your distorted Constitution of your group reflect that legitimacy? Or does it mean to trade on religion and fool the simple people to achieve your interests? Your speech encouraged your supporters to use violence and start a civil war among the Egyptian people, which is far from happening under such wise leadership of the Armed Forces.
Third, your legitimacy has fallen according to the law and the constitution, as you have never cared for the Egyptian people, but rather for your brotherhood, which you have always been its voice and agent. Therefore, you've only given the Egyptians sectarian strife, economic crises and lack of security. How come you talk now about legitimacy with your hand stained with blood of many Egyptians?
Finally, I send a message of love and appreciation to all demonstrators; senior and junior; men and women; Muslims and Christians, poor and rich. Those Egyptians who made the whole world show respect for us. I'm proud of Egypt with its civilization and history that no one can manipulate. I'm only sorry that this man is counted among the Egyptian presidents. However, he united the Egyptians again (against himself). This unity is the true legitimacy that will write the new Constitution. We will fight for our freedom and will pay the due price.