• 07:36
  • Wednesday ,03 July 2013

Egypt’s Brotherhood warns of attacks on anti-Morsi protests

By Ahram Online

Copts and Poliltical Islam


Wednesday ,03 July 2013

Egypt’s Brotherhood warns of attacks on anti-Morsi protests

The Muslim Brotherhood issued a statement on Tuesday warning of attacks planned against anti-Morsi protesters at Tahrir square and Ittihadiya presidential palace.

The Islamist group said the attacks will take place in an attempt to frame the Muslim Brotherhood and incite violence against them, "spreading strife in the country.”
“The Muslim Brotherhood is condemning such plans and actions if they occur, for it is concerned with the blood of Egyptians – of all Egyptians,” added the statement, which went on to assert that the group is working in the interest of the country by way of democratic procedures and not "violence, terrorism and killing.”
Over the past few weeks, Egypt has witnessed a rise in violence between supporters and opponents of President Mohamed Morsi, which has left tens dead and hundreds injured.
Last Sunday, 16 people died in clashes nationwide following mass rallies in Egypt's main squares demanding early presidential elections and Morsi's resignation.
At least eight of the dead were killed in front of the Muslim Brotherhood’s headquarters in Moqattam, which was stormed and ransacked by angry protesters early Monday.
In response to opposition protests, the Egyptian Armed Forces issued a televised statement on Monday giving political forces 48 hours to "fulfill the people's demands" or else it will present its own political "roadmap" featuring all political currents.
Later on Monday, tens of thousands of Morsi supporters took to streets in several governorates refusing what they perceived as a violation of the president's legitimacy.
On Tuesday, Muslim Brotherhood leader Mohamed El-Beltagy called on supporters to seek martyrdom and defend “legitimacy” against what he described as "a coup from the former regime.”
Hundreds of thousands of Morsi supporters have been occupying Rabaa Al-Adawiya square since Friday.
Rival protests from both camps are expected on Tuesday.