• 15:43
  • Tuesday ,02 July 2013

Today we liberate Egypt

By Momen Sallam

Article Of The Day


Tuesday ,02 July 2013

Today we liberate Egypt

Though many people used to call the Muslim Brotherhood a "national faction", I have never considered them national or even Egyptians. I am not talking here about the former General Guide insulting Egypt and wishing for a Malaysian president for Egypt, which proves Islamism ideology that does not recognize homelands or borders. Thus, they are not national nor Egyptians.

In fact, they are not seeking authority, but rather all of Egypt, which they think is an Islamic emirate in a bigger Caliphate; however, we believe that Egypt is an independent sovereign state that has its known borders, culture, history, customs and language.
They don't care if the Egyptians are starving, insulted, and robbed as long as their brothers in Palestine are satisfied.
This is a conflict between the sons of the unified Egyptian nation against cultural and intellectual occupation seeking to change the Egyptian identity and turn it into a Wahhabi nomadic one. This culture sees art as profligacy, music as romp, love as adultery, women as devils, science and freedom as infidelity. 
It's a cultural conflict rather than a political one between the Egyptians and Wahhabism; a conflict between those who believe in and love their homeland, and those who never care for homelands or citizenship; a struggle for the sovereignty and independence of Egypt, or Egypt seized by an international group that, along with other countries, manipulate Egypt.
Today, millions of the Egyptians are demonstrating all over Egypt not only to overthrow the current regime but also to get rid of the Muslim Brotherhood's occupation calling for a modern and democratic country, and shouting: "Long live Egypt".